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Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    Anyone who wishes to be first. Spanish, Vibrant : Full Page Standard
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  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Saints
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  • Holidays
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  • Holidays
  • Miscellaneous
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    Anyone who wishes to be first. Vibrant : Full Page Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Saints
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  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holidays
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Miscellaneous
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  • Cycle B
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    Anyone who wishes to be first. Bilingual, Vibrant : Full Page Standard
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  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Cycle B
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  • Cycle A
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  • Holy Days
  • Cycle B
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  • Holy Days
  • Saints
  • " } [2]=> array(4) { [2]=> string(302) "
  • Holidays
  • Cycle A
  • Artwork
  • Miscellaneous
  • " [3]=> string(230) "
  • Holidays
  • Cycle B
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holidays
  • Artwork
  • " [6]=> string(158) "
  • Holidays
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle A
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Cycle B
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    Europeana, provided and maintained by
    Tartu Art Museum, Public Domain.

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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holy Days
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  • Holy Days
  • Saints
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  • Holidays
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  • Holidays
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle C
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  • Miscellaneous
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    May I rise like the Son. Spanish, Contemporary : Full Page Standard
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  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holy Days
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  • Saints
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  • Holidays
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  • Artwork
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holidays
  • Artwork
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  • Holidays
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle A
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  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
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    May I rise like the Son. Bilingual, Contemporary : Full Page Standard
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  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    If anyone wishes to be first... Standard
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  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    The Son of Man is to be handed over to men... Standard
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  • Holidays
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  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    The Son of Man will rise. Standard
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  • Holidays
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  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    The Son of Man will rise. Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Cycle C
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    The Lord upholds my life. Standard
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  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    The wisdom from above is first of all pure. Standard
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  • Holidays
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  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    The Son of Man will rise. Standard
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  • Holidays
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  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    25th Sunday in ordinary Time Standard
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  • Holidays
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  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Standard
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  • Saints
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  • Holidays
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  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
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    Los quien tienen la sabiduría quer viene de Dios son puros. Standard
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  • Holidays
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  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    El Hijo del Hombre Resucitará. Standard
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  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    El Hijo del Hombre va a ser entregado... Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    El Hijo del Hombre Resucitará. Standard
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    Él, quien me mantiene vivo. Standard
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  • Holidays
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  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    Si alguno quiere ser el primero... Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    Él, quien me mantiene vivo. Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Miscellaneous
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    25o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holy Days
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    Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    El Hijo del Hombre Resucitará. Standard
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  • Holidays
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  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    The Son of Man is to be handed over to men... Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Saints
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    The wisdom from above is first of all pure. Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holy Days
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  • Saints
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    The Lord upholds my life. Standard
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    If anyone wishes to be first... Standard
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  • Holidays
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  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    25th Sunday in ordinary Time Standard