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Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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  • Artwork
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  • Miscellaneous
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  • " ["lang_img"]=> string(97) "" ["lang_symbol"]=> string(2) "en" ["lang_name"]=> string(7) "English" ["languages_list"]=> string(9565) "" ["stats_users"]=> string(5) "21287" ["stats_photo"]=> string(5) "19094" ["stats_viewes"]=> int(3193712) ["stats_downloads"]=> int(322) ["shopping_cart"]=> string(909) "
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    Public Domain" ["item_keywords"]=> string(82) "Manna, Old Testament, Moses, Israelites, Wandering in the Desert, Desert Wandering" ["artist"]=> string(4) "9883" ["asset_type"]=> string(1) "2" }
    Manna is Gathered in the Desert
    Manna is Gathered in the Desert
    Gebhard Fugel
    array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • " ["lang_img"]=> string(97) "" ["lang_symbol"]=> string(2) "en" ["lang_name"]=> string(7) "English" ["languages_list"]=> string(9565) "" ["stats_users"]=> string(5) "21287" ["stats_photo"]=> string(5) "19094" ["stats_viewes"]=> int(3193712) ["stats_downloads"]=> int(322) ["shopping_cart"]=> string(909) "
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    The Birth of Christ
    The Birth of Christ

    The Birth of Christ

    BALaT. Licensed under CC BY 4.0 KIK-IRPA, Brussels (Belgium), cliché X053550],, Digitally Enhanced.

    array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holy Days
  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
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  • Artwork
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  • Holidays
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  • Cycle C
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  • " ["lang_img"]=> string(97) "" ["lang_symbol"]=> string(2) "en" ["lang_name"]=> string(7) "English" ["languages_list"]=> string(9565) "" ["stats_users"]=> string(5) "21287" ["stats_photo"]=> string(5) "19094" ["stats_viewes"]=> int(3193712) ["stats_downloads"]=> int(322) ["shopping_cart"]=> string(909) "
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    The Assumption
    The Assumption
    Laurent de La Hyre

    The Assumption

    (LACMA) Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Dating 1653, public domain.

    array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holy Days
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  • Holidays
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    The Assumption of the Virgin
    The Assumption of the Virgin
    Massimo Stanzione

    The Assumption of the Virgin

    Samuel H. Kress Collection, North Carolina Museum of Art. Dating c. 163 - 1635, public domain.

    array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holy Days
  • Cycle B
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  • Holy Days
  • Saints
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  • Miscellaneous
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  • Cycle B
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  • Holidays
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  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle B
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    Public Domain" ["item_keywords"]=> string(122) "Queenship of Mary, Mary, Queen, Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Coronation, Dove, Holy Spirit, Crown, Angels, Heaven" ["artist"]=> string(1) "0" ["asset_type"]=> string(1) "2" }
    The Assumption of Mary
    The Assumption of Mary

    The Assumption of Mary

    The Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
    Public Domain

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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holy Days
  • Cycle B
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  • Cycle C
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    The Assumption of Mary with Saints Julian and Minias of Florence
    The Assumption of Mary with Saints Julian and Minias of Florence

    The Assumption of Mary with Saints Julian and Minias of Florence

    National Museums of Berlin. Dating 1449 - 1450, photography by Jörg P. Anders. Public domain.

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    The Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin Mary
    The Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin Mary
    Peter Paul Rubens

    The Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin Mary

    Netherlands Institute for Art History. Date 1592-1640, public domain.

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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
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    Modello for the Assumption of the Virgin
    Modello for the Assumption of the Virgin
    Peter Paul Rubens

    Modello for the Assumption of the Virgin

    europeana, year between 1622 - 1625, Public Domain.

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  • Holidays
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    Public Domain" ["item_keywords"]=> string(122) "Queenship of Mary, Mary, Queen, Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Coronation, Dove, Holy Spirit, Crown, Angels, Heaven" ["artist"]=> string(1) "0" ["asset_type"]=> string(1) "2" }
    Mary, Ascending to Heaven
    Mary, Ascending to Heaven

    Mary, Ascending to Heaven

    The Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
    Public Domain

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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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    Bartolomé Esteban Murillo


    Hispanic Digital Library, Pure, Graphic Material, between 1801 and 1900, Public Domain.

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  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
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    Who has taken you, O Virgin, into heaven
    Who has taken you, O Virgin, into heaven
    Martin von Feuerstein

    Who has taken you, O Virgin, into heaven

    The Triple Rosary in Words and Pictures by Albert Kuhn

    array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
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    Assumption of the Virgin
    Assumption of the Virgin
    Peter Paul Rubens

    Assumption of the Virgin

    BALaT, Licensed under CC BY 4.0 KIK-IRPA, Brussels (Belgium), cliché G002036],, Digitally Enhanced.

    array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
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  • Holidays
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  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
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    Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    National Digital Archives Poland, Year 1918 - 1932, public Domain.

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  • Holidays
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    Assumption of Our Lady
    Assumption of Our Lady
    Theodor van Loon

    Assumption of Our Lady

    BALaT, Licensed under CC BY 4.0 KIK-IRPA, Brussels (Belgium), cliché X046431],, Digitally Enhanced.

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  • Saints
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    Assumption of Mary
    Assumption of Mary
    Peter Paul Rubens

    Assumption of Mary

    BALaT, Licensed under CC BY 4.0 KIK-IRPA, Brussels (Belgium), cliché X074387],, Digitally Enhanced.

    array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
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    Assumption of Mary
    Assumption of Mary

    Assumption of Mary

    Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe Collection, year unknown, Public Domain under (CC0) license.

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  • Holidays
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    Assumption of Mary
    Assumption of Mary
    Anselm Feuerbach

    Assumption of Mary

    Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe Collection, year 1855, Public Domain under (CC0) license

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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle A
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  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holidays
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  • Holidays
  • Artwork
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  • Holidays
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle A
  • Miscellaneous
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    Assumption Day
    Assumption Day

    Assumption Day

    Christian Art; Monthly magazine for all areas of Christian art and art history, vol.7, 1910/1911, Public Domain.

    array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holy Days
  • Saints
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  • Cycle C
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  • Miscellaneous
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    Assumption Day
    Assumption Day
    Hans Rottenhammer

    Assumption Day

    Municipal Gallery in the Lenbachhaus and Kunstbau Munich, Art before 1945, Public Domain under (CC0 1.0)

    array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holy Days
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  • Holy Days
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  • " ["lang_img"]=> string(97) "" ["lang_symbol"]=> string(2) "en" ["lang_name"]=> string(7) "English" ["languages_list"]=> string(9565) "" ["stats_users"]=> string(5) "21287" ["stats_photo"]=> string(5) "19094" ["stats_viewes"]=> int(3193712) ["stats_downloads"]=> int(322) ["shopping_cart"]=> string(909) "
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    Assumption Day
    Assumption Day
    Georg Kau

    Assumption Day

    Christian Art; Monthly magazine for all areas of Christian art and art history, vol.14, 1917/1918

    array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holy Days
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  • Holy Days
  • Saints
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  • Artwork
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  • Holidays
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Cycle B
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    Assumption Day
    Assumption Day
    Edward Von Steinle

    Assumption Day

    Christian Art; Monthly magazine for all areas of Christian art and art history, vol.6, 1909/1910, Public Domain.

    array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holy Days
  • Cycle B
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  • Holy Days
  • Saints
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    Assumption Day
    Assumption Day
    Adriaen van der Werff

    Assumption Day

    Bavarian State Painting Collections - Alte Pinakothek Munich, year 1714, attribution to Creative Commons (C BY-SA 4.0)

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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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    O’er Hill and Dale
    O’er Hill and Dale

    O’er Hill and Dale

    Dallas Museum of Art, gift of Mr. A.M. Matson. The year 1920. Public domain.

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    Let my Soul glory in The Lord. Spanish, Contemporary : Full Page Standard
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    Let my Soul glory in The lord. English, Contemporary : Full Page Standard
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    Let my Soul glory in The Lord. Bilingual, Contemporary : Full Page Standard
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    Whoever eats this bread will live forever.
    Whoever eats this bread will live forever.
    Cindy Kiernicki

    Whoever eats this bread will live forever.

    Artwork copyright © Diocesan. May not be resold or reproduced for sale. See Terms of Use for further details.

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    Whoever eats this bread. Spanish, Vibrant : Full Page Standard
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    Whoever eats this bread. English, Vibrant : Full Page Standard
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    Whoever eats this bread. Bilingual, Vibrant : Full Page Standard
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    Taste and see the goodness of The Lord Standard
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    Be imitators of God Standard