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Anna Morelli

Anna and Happy Saint Art

Anna Morelli is a homeschooled Catholic artist who is passionate about her faith. Her faith and love of Saint Therese made Therese the frequent subject of her drawings. However, she became frustrated at the numerous portrayals of her Saint and others as brooding, melancholy individuals. When she began to portray them as happy and joyful, she could have never imagined the outpouring of love that began to flood in! Now, she LOVES to draw the saints as they truly were: alive, vibrant, and deeply in love with God!

She lives with her family in rural Missouri and loves to create her Happy Saints, try out new art techniques, sing with her sisters, and bake (to relieve stress đŸ™‚ ) Though she has never graduated from college, Anna has learned a lot of her craft from her father (who is himself an artist) and from taking online courses.


For more from Anna, visit her website at