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    The Sacred Heart
    The Sacred Heart
    Romain Cazes
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    Apparition, Sacred Heart Of Jesus
    Apparition, Sacred Heart Of Jesus
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    Lord, On The Day I Called For Help, You Answered Me Standard
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    Lord, On The Day I Called For Help, You Answered Me Standard
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    17th Sunday In Ordinary Time Header Standard
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    The Transfiguration
    The Transfiguration
    Maestro Bartolomé

    The Transfiguration

    Kress Foundation
    Public Domain

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  • Holidays
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    Transfiguration Of Christ
    Transfiguration Of Christ
    August Temmel

    Transfiguration Of Christ

    Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
    Public Domain

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    The Transfiguration
    The Transfiguration
    Cherubino Alberti
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    The Transfiguration
    The Transfiguration
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    The Transfiguration
    The Transfiguration
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    The Transfiguration
    The Transfiguration
    T'oros the Deacon
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    The Transfiguration
    The Transfiguration
    Camille-Félix Bellanger

    The Transfiguration

    Museums of the City of Paris
    Public Domain

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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
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    The Transfiguration Of Christ
    The Transfiguration Of Christ
    Master of the Die
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    The Transfiguration
    The Transfiguration
    James Tissot

    The Transfiguration

    Brooklyn Museum, Purchased by public subscription, Digitally Enhanced, Creative Commons License
    Public Domain

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    Fragment With The Transfiguration Of Christ
    Fragment With The Transfiguration Of Christ
    Jan Joest van Kalkar
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    He Who Does Justice Will Live In The Presence Of The Lord Standard
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    16th Sunday In Ordinary Time Header Standard
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    The Creation of Eve Who Emerges from Behind Adam
    The Creation of Eve Who Emerges from Behind Adam
    Giulio Bonasone
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  • Holidays
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    The Sixth Day The Creation of Animals, Adam and Eve from The Creation of the World
    The Sixth Day The Creation of Animals, Adam and Eve from The Creation of the World
    Johann Sadeler I
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  • Holidays
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    The Creation of Eve
    The Creation of Eve
    Lucas Cranach the Younger and Workshop

    The Creation of Eve

    The Met Museum
    Public Domain

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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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    Creation of Eve
    Creation of Eve
    Lucas van Leyden

    Creation of Eve

    The Met Museum
    Public Domain

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    Christus Im Hause Der Martha
    Christus Im Hause Der Martha
    Georg Friedrich
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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    Christ In The House Of Martha And Mary
    Christ In The House Of Martha And Mary

    Christ In The House Of Martha And Mary

    RKD - Netherlands Institute for Art History
    Public Domain

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  • Holidays
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    Christ In The House Of Lazarus, Martha And Mary
    Christ In The House Of Lazarus, Martha And Mary
    Hans Burgkmair
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  • Holidays
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    Lorenzo Monaco (Piero di Giovanni)


    The Metropolitan Museum
    Public Domain

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  • Holidays
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    Moses And The Ten Commandments
    Moses And The Ten Commandments

    Moses And The Ten Commandments

    Museum Catharijne Convent
    Public Domain

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  • Holidays
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  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle A
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Cycle B
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    The Glorification of the Eucharist
    The Glorification of the Eucharist
    Peter Paul Rubens
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  • Holidays
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  • Holy Days
  • Saints
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    The Eucharist
    The Eucharist

    The Eucharist

    Nationalmuseum, Stockholm
    Public Domain

    We're here to help
