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Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    The Son of Man will Rise. Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holidays
  • Miscellaneous
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    The Son of Man will Rise. Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holidays
  • Artwork
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  • Holidays
  • Miscellaneous
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    Él, quien me mantiene vivo. Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holy Days
  • Saints
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  • Holidays
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  • Miscellaneous
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    Si alguno quiere ser el primero. Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holy Days
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  • Holy Days
  • Saints
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  • Cycle C
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    El Hijo del Hombre va a ser entregado. Standard
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  • Saints
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    Los quien tienen la sabiduría que viene de Dios puro Standard
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    The Son Of Man Is To Be Handed Over Clipped : Cover Standard
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    Verily I Say Unto You Unless You Become As Children Ye Shall Not Enter Into the Kingdom of Heaven
    Verily I Say Unto You Unless You Become As Children Ye Shall Not Enter Into the Kingdom of Heaven
    Johannes Jensen

    Verily I Say Unto You Unless You Become As Children Ye Shall Not Enter Into the Kingdom of Heaven

    The National Museum of Denmark,, Digitally Enhanced.

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    Verily I Say Unto You Without Ye Repenting and Being Reborn You Shall Not Enter the Kingdom
    Verily I Say Unto You Without Ye Repenting and Being Reborn You Shall Not Enter the Kingdom

    Verily I Say Unto You Without Ye Repenting and Being Reborn You Shall Not Enter the Kingdom

    The National Museum of Denmark, (CC-BY-SA), Digitally Enhanced

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  • Holidays
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    Public Domain" ["item_keywords"]=> string(80) "Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christ, Jesus and the Children, Children, Jesus and a Crowd" ["artist"]=> string(4) "9832" ["asset_type"]=> string(1) "2" }
    Forbid Them Not
    Forbid Them Not
    Norman Ault

    Forbid Them Not

    The Poets’ Life of Christ
    Public Domain

    array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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    The Boy Jesus Playing
    The Boy Jesus Playing

    The Boy Jesus Playing

    Sörmland Museum, (CC-BY-SA), Digitally Enhanced.

    array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
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    Jesus Blesses the Children
    Jesus Blesses the Children
    M. Brandt

    Jesus Blesses the Children

    Vänersborg Museum via DigitaltMuseum, (CC-BY-SA), Digitally Enhanced.

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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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    Picture With Christ With Five Children of Various Nationalities
    Picture With Christ With Five Children of Various Nationalities
    Johannes Nicolaas Voorhoeve
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
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    Christ Blessing the Children
    Christ Blessing the Children
    Lucas Cranach the Elder
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  • Holidays
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    Let the Little Children Come to Me
    Let the Little Children Come to Me
    Joseph Sutter
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
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    Let the Little Children Come to Me
    Let the Little Children Come to Me
    Jacques Hélart

    Let the Little Children Come to Me

    Museums of the City of Paris
    Public Domain

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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
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    Let the Little Children Come to Me
    Let the Little Children Come to Me
    Franz Riepenhausen
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
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    Let the Children Come to Me
    Let the Children Come to Me
    Werner van den Valckert

    Let the Children Come to Me

    Museum Catharijneconvent
    Public Domain

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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
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  • Holy Days
  • Cycle A
  • Saints
  • " [4]=> string(148) "
  • Holy Days
  • Cycle B
  • " [6]=> string(146) "
  • Holy Days
  • Saints
  • " } [2]=> array(4) { [2]=> string(302) "
  • Holidays
  • Cycle A
  • Artwork
  • Miscellaneous
  • " [3]=> string(230) "
  • Holidays
  • Cycle B
  • Miscellaneous
  • " [4]=> string(146) "
  • Holidays
  • Artwork
  • " [6]=> string(158) "
  • Holidays
  • Miscellaneous
  • " } [3]=> array(3) { [3]=> string(144) "
  • Cycle C
  • Artwork
  • " [4]=> string(142) "
  • Cycle C
  • Saints
  • " [6]=> string(72) "
  • Cycle C
  • " } [4]=> array(2) { [4]=> string(156) "
  • Cycle A
  • Miscellaneous
  • " [6]=> string(72) "
  • Cycle A
  • " } [5]=> array(1) { [6]=> string(72) "
  • Cycle B
  • " } [6]=> array(1) { [6]=> string(72) "
  • Artwork
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  • " ["lang_img"]=> string(97) "" ["lang_symbol"]=> string(2) "en" ["lang_name"]=> string(7) "English" ["languages_list"]=> string(9565) "" ["stats_users"]=> string(5) "21334" ["stats_photo"]=> string(5) "19183" ["stats_viewes"]=> int(3261419) ["stats_downloads"]=> int(334) ["shopping_cart"]=> string(909) "
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    Public Domain" ["item_keywords"]=> string(80) "Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christ, Jesus and the Children, Children, Jesus and a Crowd" ["artist"]=> string(5) "10499" ["asset_type"]=> string(1) "2" }
    Let the Children Come to Me
    Let the Children Come to Me
    Julius Kronberg

    Let the Children Come to Me

    Skansen Museum via DigitaltMuseum
    Public Domain

    array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
  • " ["categories_list"]=> array(6) { [1]=> array(4) { [2]=> string(290) "
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  • Cycle C
  • Cycle B
  • Saints
  • " [3]=> string(218) "
  • Holy Days
  • Cycle A
  • Saints
  • " [4]=> string(148) "
  • Holy Days
  • Cycle B
  • " [6]=> string(146) "
  • Holy Days
  • Saints
  • " } [2]=> array(4) { [2]=> string(302) "
  • Holidays
  • Cycle A
  • Artwork
  • Miscellaneous
  • " [3]=> string(230) "
  • Holidays
  • Cycle B
  • Miscellaneous
  • " [4]=> string(146) "
  • Holidays
  • Artwork
  • " [6]=> string(158) "
  • Holidays
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Cycle C
  • Artwork
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  • Cycle C
  • Saints
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  • Cycle C
  • " } [4]=> array(2) { [4]=> string(156) "
  • Cycle A
  • Miscellaneous
  • " [6]=> string(72) "
  • Cycle A
  • " } [5]=> array(1) { [6]=> string(72) "
  • Cycle B
  • " } [6]=> array(1) { [6]=> string(72) "
  • Artwork
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    Public Domain" ["item_keywords"]=> string(80) "Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christ, Jesus and the Children, Children, Jesus and a Crowd" ["artist"]=> string(5) "11572" ["asset_type"]=> string(1) "2" }
    Let the Children Come to Me
    Let the Children Come to Me
    Hubert Maurer
    We're here to help
