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Third Sunday of Advent
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Third Sunday of Advent
array(52) { ["box_categories"]=> string(592) "
  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    Tercero Domingo De Adviento Standard
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  • Cycle C
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  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Miscellaneous
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    Mi Espíritu Se Alegra En Dios, Mi Salvador Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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    Mi Espíritu Se Alegra En Dios, Mi Salvador Standard
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Miscellaneous
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    Mi Alma Me Lleno De Júbilo En Mi Dios Standard
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  • Holidays
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  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Holy Days
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  • Saints
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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Cycle B
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    Third Sunday Of Advent Standard
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    Rejoice Always. Pray Without Ceasing. In All Circumstances Give Thanks Standard
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    ¿Estás Preparado Para El Señor? Contemporary : Full Page Standard
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    Tercer Domingo De Adviento Standard
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    The Preaching of Saint John the Baptist
    The Preaching of Saint John the Baptist
    Jean-Jacques Lagrenée
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  • Holidays
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    The Preacher in the Desert
    The Preacher in the Desert
    Edward Von Steinle

    The Preacher in the Desert

    The Masters’ Complete Works in Illustrations
    Public Domain

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    Saint John the Baptist
    Saint John the Baptist
    Felix Baumhauer

    Saint John the Baptist

    The Christian Art Monthly Journal
    Public Domain

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    Public Domain" ["item_keywords"]=> string(117) "Saint John the Baptist, St. John the Baptist, Sermon of Saint John the Baptist, Sermon of St. John the Baptist, Crowd" ["artist"]=> string(4) "8456" ["asset_type"]=> string(1) "2" }
    Saint John the Baptist Bearing Witness
    Saint John the Baptist Bearing Witness
    Francesco Granacci
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    Saint John (St. Johannes)
    Saint John (St. Johannes)
    Martin Gerlach
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    Preaching of John
    Preaching of John
    Nicolaes Moeyaert

    Preaching of John

    Museum Catharijneconvent
    Public Domain

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  • Holidays
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    John the Baptist
    John the Baptist
    Ferdinand Fellner

    John the Baptist

    Städel Museum
    Public Domain

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  • Holidays
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    John the Baptist in the Desert
    John the Baptist in the Desert
    Edward Von Steinle
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    St. John the Baptist
    St. John the Baptist
    Franz Ittenbach

    St. John the Baptist

    The Christian Art Monthly Journal
    Public Domain

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    Saint John the Baptist
    Saint John the Baptist
    Anna Morelli

    Saint John the Baptist

    Artwork copyright © Anna Morelli / Happy Saint Art. May not be resold or reproduced for sale. See Terms of Use for further details.

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    License includes limited rights to use this image for LITURGICAL USE, or for promotion of liturgical programs ONLY. License does NOT include use of image on any for-sale or for-profit items. License only extends to the purchaser or purchasing organization. See Terms of Use for further details." ["item_keywords"]=> string(86) "Baptism,John the Baptist,Repent,Dove,Holy Spirit,River,Water,Baptize,Jen Norton,Modern" ["artist"]=> string(4) "6174" ["asset_type"]=> string(1) "2" }
    St. John the Baptist
    St. John the Baptist
    Jen Norton

    St. John the Baptist

    Artwork copyright © Jen Norton
    License includes limited rights to use this image for LITURGICAL USE, or for promotion of liturgical programs ONLY. License does NOT include use of image on any for-sale or for-profit items. License only extends to the purchaser or purchasing organization. See Terms of Use for further details.

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    Public Domain" ["item_keywords"]=> string(261) "John the Baptist, Saint John the Baptist, St. John the Baptist, Wilderness, Agnus Dei, Proclaim, Preach, Preaching, Forerunner, Crying Out, Baptist, Baptizer, Baptize, Sacrament, Prayer, Cross, Staff, Lamb, Lamb of God, Sacrificial Lamb, Sacrifice, Banner, Flag" ["artist"]=> string(4) "5604" ["asset_type"]=> string(1) "2" }
    Saint John the Baptist
    Saint John the Baptist
    Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli

    Saint John the Baptist

    The Walters Art Museum
    Public Domain

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    Saint John the Baptist
    Saint John the Baptist
    Johann Carl Loth

    Saint John the Baptist

    Slovak National Gallery
    Public Domain

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    Saint John the Baptist
    Saint John the Baptist
    Mattia Preti

    Saint John the Baptist

    Metropolitan Museum
    Public Domain

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  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
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    Public Domain" ["item_keywords"]=> string(250) "John the Baptist, Saint John the Baptist, St. John the Baptist, Wilderness, Agnus Dei, Proclaim, Preach, Forerunner, Crying Out, Baptist, Baptizer, Baptize, Sacrament, Prayer, Cross, Staff, Lamb, Lamb of God, Sacrificial Lamb, Sacrifice, Banner, Flag" ["artist"]=> string(4) "5610" ["asset_type"]=> string(1) "2" }
    Saint John the Baptist
    Saint John the Baptist
    Johann Carl Loth

    Saint John the Baptist

    Slovak National Gallery
    Public Domain

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  • Holidays
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  • Cycle B
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  • Saints
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    Saint John the Baptist
    Saint John the Baptist
    Bartolomeo Manfredi

    Saint John the Baptist

    National Museum of Sweden
    Public Domain

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  • Holy Days
  • Holidays
  • Cycle C
  • Cycle A
  • Cycle B
  • Artwork
  • Saints
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Cycle A
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  • Holy Days
  • Cycle B
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  • Holy Days
  • Saints
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  • Holidays
  • Miscellaneous
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  • Cycle C
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  • Miscellaneous
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  • " ["lang_img"]=> string(97) "" ["lang_symbol"]=> string(2) "en" ["lang_name"]=> string(7) "English" ["languages_list"]=> string(9565) "" ["stats_users"]=> string(5) "21429" ["stats_photo"]=> string(5) "19531" ["stats_viewes"]=> int(3359694) ["stats_downloads"]=> int(345) ["shopping_cart"]=> string(909) "
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    John the Baptist
    John the Baptist
    Robert Campin

    John the Baptist

    Cleveland Museum of Art
    Public Domain

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